"The Bedouin Women" series is a profound exploration of the lives and spirits of Bedouin women in the Negev. Through her exceptional use of color and form, Shelly captures the essence of these women's lives, their resilience, and their deep connection to their heritage.
Explore Margalit Shelly's life long works, taking inspiration from her childhood in Tunisia, life in the Israeli Negev, as well as Jewish Subjects. Using an Academic technique, she paints in watercolors and oil.
"A Splash of Color" is Margalit Shelly's vibrant tribute to the Israeli Negev. With each stroke, Shelly transforms the canvas into a mesmerizing landscape, alive with vivid colors that reflect the dynamic beauty of the desert.
"A Splash of Color" is Margalit Shelly's vibrant tribute to the Israeli Negev. With each stroke, Shelly transforms the canvas into a mesmerizing landscape, alive with vivid colors that reflect the dynamic beauty of the desert.